About Us

At Hriday, Human Intelligence is not seen as a mere resource, a department, a function or a process. It goes much beyond that.

We understand that we are dealing with the universe’s most complex creation on a daily basis – Human Beings of all shades and persuasions. Our Services are consciously designed to nurture, enhance and tap the incredible potential to create and deliver powerful HR Solutions.

Much like any other HR services organisation, we offer Staffing Solutions, HR Advisory Services, HR Outsourcing Services and Learning Solutions.

So, what sets us apart? We would like to believe that our sense of values does, to begin with.

A commitment to being fair, to being responsible and being equitable to all our stakeholders.

At Hriday, we are trying to put the heart back into HR.

Sunitha Kannan


I am Sunitha Kannan and I am an ambitious and independently-motivated Human Resources Specialist. I spent over 9 years working in Employee Life Cycle Management with a number of organisations, both multi-national and Indian.

These experiences have sensitised me to the fact that while there are numerous cultural differences across the world, the root of all human endeavour lies in recognising and respecting one another’s abilities – both professional and personal.

In this journey of self-discovery, I realised that the only way to achieve success was to pursue my passion and happiness. I believe that professional success is not just about making big money or fame, but as “an achievement of something desired”.

Offering my knowledge, skills and experience to others gives me a great sense of satisfaction. It feels rewarding to create a positive impact on other people’s lives.

Hriday sees itself as part of a larger goal to upskill India. A country’s human capital can make all the difference to its standing in the world –
and we would like to do our bit.

We see values not as ideas that change with time, but rather as sacrosanct. Lasting through the decades. Our values have been shaped by the personal and professional environments in which we were raised. And what we seek are individuals who resonate with these values too.

At Hriday, we have a single word for it – GRACE. Here, in brief are the distinct values that we abide by:


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